Abstract:The rapid development of modern optoelectronic telescope technology has continuously improved the detection capability of equipment.The trailing phenomenon in star maps has put enormous pressure on the accuracy and timeliness of astronomical positioning processing.The low contrast of star maps and uneven distribution of background strength pose a chalenging problem of how to remove trailing line noise while preserving the target information and positioning accuracy of star maps.This article proposes a fast method for removing trailing lines in star maps based on statistical features.By using the statistical rules of star map target information,fast detection of trailing target lines in single frame images can be achieved.Interpolation technology is used to quickly remove trailing lines in star maps,thereby eliminating the interference of trailing lines on space target detection,reducing the false alarm probability caused by trailing lines,and improving the accuracy of astronomical positioning of space targets.Simulation experiments show that the method proposed in this paper can remove the majority of trailing lines in star maps while preserving target information,significantly improving image quality and having significant advantages over the Hough transform method.Under single threading,for 1024×1024 size image,the time for removing trailing targets in a single frame using the method of the present is 0.71 seconds.It can be seen that the method of the present can significantly reduce computational complexity and improve computational efficiency without increasing computing resources.