Abstract:In order to achieve a highprecision measurement of the photoelectric stabilized platform azimuth and elevation angle of movement of the frame, the paper uses a novel highprecision noncontact capacitance sensor. According to the eccentric principle, the location of the capacitance sensor can be reasonably arranged, which avoids the geometric center of the azimuth and elevation frame framework overlap with the rotation center of the detection surface on the capacitance sensor. When the azimuth and elevation frame respectively move around their own axes, the distance between the detection surface and the sensor will change. Measuring the changes in the distance can find the changes in the orientation of the frame and the pitch angle of the frame. Based on the eccentric principle, a measuring device is designed. The measurement results show that the capacitance sensor has good linearity, and its accuracy is better than the 15", fully meet the photoelectric stabilized platform framework angular displacement measurement requirements.